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ARCA PUBLISHERS ~ State Hermitage Museum

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St. Petersburg publishing house ARCA , founded in 2006, is an independent publishing partner of the State Hermitage Museum, focused on the creation of books on art and culture for children and adults, amateurs and connoisseurs.

Arca Publishing gets its name from the architect K. I. Rossi to unite two separate buildings with a triumphal arch, a monument to Russia’s victory in the war of 1812. This majestic arch is a symbol Russia’s glory and triumph; it forms a symmetrical axe with the central part of the Winter Palace.


Among the books are original museum alphabets, children's educational publications for reading and colouring, a series of “How to talk with children about art”, poetry collections, thematic albums, guidebooks about the museum.

Arca also publishes monographs on Russian and foreign history, studies on the theory and history of art, books on architecture, history of museum collections and exhibits, interesting both to specialists and the widest readership.


The books of the publishing house are distinguished by exquisite design, high culture of book production.

For more than ten years they have been represented not only in Russia, but also in the world book markets.

 *Market restrictions~ Arca Books are distributed by Goldhawk International in North America, Central America

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